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Century Club

Imagine the Power of What a $100 Donation Can Do

What is the Century Club?


One of the best ways members can help ensure the future of our industry and the continued success of the IAFE is by contributing to the IAFE Education Foundation.


Members of the IAFE receive innumerable benefits through meeting attendance, networking, and educational activities provided by the association. The IAFE must be able to provide these benefits.


The Foundation Century Club is an easy and affordable way to contribute and ensure the Foundation's ability to continue its mission. Established in 2019, the Century Club will allow (100) donors to contribute $100 annually to support scholarships, grants, and special projects to ensure the fair industry's future.


Donors may select where their contribution goes.

Ways to Join

The Friends of the Foundation IFM Scholarship

Provides scholarships each year to enrollees of the IAFE's Institute of Fair Management for course expenses.


The IAFE Education Foundation Fund

Provides funding to programs designed to enhance the education of volunteers and professionals in the fair sector through support of IAFE educational programming, Institute of Fair Management courses, and development of guest-focused agriculture education programs for utilization by fairs.


The Jim Tucker Fund

Securing world-class speakers for the IAFE Convention and educational meetings, ensuring the industry developed professional leaders for years.


The Fairchick Fund

Contributions to the "Fairchick Fund" help to extend Marla Calico's influence and empower the next generation of industry leaders. Grants from the fund provide registration and travel grants for the annual IAFE Convention, with an emphasis on helping first-time attendees.


Join the Century Club now! Choose one of the funds below!

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